Back when I posted the S family before - the images were very antique looking, and I noticed, on my new LCD monitor - very yellow. So - I decided to revisit this family session - and here are the results. I'm very happy with them, and hope they are too!
Thanks again "S" family for providing some much needed inspiration!
Introducing - Baby "D"
We have been awaiting the arrival of Baby D for what seems like a very, very, VERY long time...and she's finally here! Her mommy and daddy called me when I first started this fun little photography adventure and wanted to know if I'd be willing to capture their sweet baby when she arrived. I jumped at the chance (of course!) and have been collecting props and ideas for the last few months. She is such a beautiful baby with an amazing mom and dad and two older sisters to show her the way in this life, and I'm not only humbled to have been the one to capture her first photos, but also honored to be a part of their lives.
Thank you D family, and baby D - welcome, we've been anxiously awaiting your arrival.
Thank you D family, and baby D - welcome, we've been anxiously awaiting your arrival.
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